Spread Some Love | #MyFridayStory №123

Frans Nel
2 min readJul 24, 2020

Have you ever been out of work, out of money and out of hope? It’s hard to feel loved when your dignity is being denied through no fault of your own.

There are over 10 million people living in South Africa without a job. This Valentine’s Day, let’s try Spread Some Love to the millions that are beset by this devastating reality.

Here is some helpful advice and tips for job seekers.

Do not get discouraged, never give up hope and follow these tips and techniques to improve your chances of being found and hired.

In an article in Clear Company, they outline 20 Little Known Ways to Get Hired Fast. An important recommendation is to always include a Cover Letter. Hiring managers only spend between 5 and 7 seconds reviewing a resume. A cover letter is a sure way to grab their attention. Give a brief summary of your qualifications and touch on how you plan to help the company thrive. Let them know what sets you apart from other applicants. And remember to change the cover letter for each position you apply for.

On LinkedIn, having a quality, colour, head and shoulder profile picture of you smiling is a good start. Next, you should craft an eye-catching headline. The default settings usually fill this in with your current position. You have 120 characters to work with of premium space. Think of it as a small billboard about you and what you do. Instead of only listing your job title, mention your speciality and the value you bring.

For example:

Marketing Consultant helping clients create winning branding strategies. Over 150 successful clients.

In a short sentence, you’ve told them your job, what you bring to the table, and provided credibility.

Some years ago, I turned to the good folks at Profession Hub to upgrade my CV and LinkedIn Profile. They were friendly and patient and guided me through the whole process. They have kindly offered to Spread Some Love this Valentine’s Day. Get a discount when upgrading your CV and/or LinkedIn Profile.

Go here and include #MyFridayStory in the comments to claim your discount.

Recently, I came across the Cape Town-based outfit Trusted Interns. They have come up with an ingenious solution for helping interns find work. They provide a platform where employers can find suitable interns for their organisation. By screening their interns and finding their strengths, employers are ensured a best fit.

Their results speak for themselves with many large organisations signing up with Trusted Interns. If you are an employer or an intern looking for a match, why not go check them out and help Spread Some Love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Have an awesome weekend! 😄

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it tremendously 🙏

Originally published at https://www.leapfirst.co.za on July 24, 2020.

