The Great Reset — Part 2 | #MyFridayStory №338

Frans Nel
3 min readJun 28, 2024


Jessie Crettenden | Pexels

Our civilisation is in overreach through the abuse of earth’s resources. This overreach extends to the abuse of people.

If we look at the indigenous people worldwide, they have an affinity and a closeness to Mother Nature. Their ancestors passed on their deep regard and respect for all plants, animals, fish, birds, rivers, and soil. There is a spiritual connection between the people and their land. This relationship is never taken for granted, and mutual respect is earned daily. Indigenous people never abused the land and its resources; they lived in harmony with nature.

Around the globe, our White European ancestors set about mopping up all these foreign lands for themselves. These colonising nations took not only the land but also enslaved its people. They were taking people from their homeland and shipping them around the world as slaves to be bought and sold like animals. The Catholic Church, the preeminent church of the day, wielded huge sway in politics, and its power was needed to endorse the evil of the colonisers.

Missionaries soon followed once a colony was established to “educate” the natives. Their message was intended to make the slaves feel worthless and the masters feel entitled. Once endorsed by the church, the practice was scaled up around the world, capturing and enslaving Indigenous people in the name of God, believing they had the church’s blessing for their actions.

Here in South Africa, we were no different. Our White ancestors came from the same colonising Europeans who enslaved and dominated indigenous people for hundreds of years. They even used The Bible and God’s Name to support their “Christian” beliefs. Believing they were superior to the local people was preached as gospel by the clergy of the day.

For many uninformed folks, this undercurrent of superiority and dominance that Whites hold over people of colour has only been spoken about over the past few decades. Most people who have benefitted from this situation have tried hard to sweep it under the carpet. But, thanks to the internet and the stories of oppression and violence perpetrated against innocent people now surfacing, the ugly underbelly of how Christians have been behaving leaves most people feeling a little “off.”

Christianity has a bad rap, but it’s our fault.

The minute we made religion about “them” and “us” — where we chose to EXCLUDE people rather than include them — we shifted the focus from love to hate. As Christians, we should set the example of Jesus’ love and care for all mankind and the whole universe — everything, good and bad. That is why it is so important that we learn to love each other and our enemies, to tilt the scales in favour of good — where love will rule supreme here on Earth. We as Christians have managed to alienate everyone from people of colour to the poor, the young, and people from the LGBTQ+ community, to name a few.

I was on a podcast a few years back where I made the statement that every white person is a racist. I got lots of flak for that. I don’t believe I am too far off.

My argument is — and that of many who are awakening to the horrible realities of our Christian roots, culture, and traditions — we need a reset. If we go back to the basics as to why Jesus came to Earth, it was to save humanity by spreading AGAPE love to the foreigner, the fatherless, the widow, each other, and our enemies.

It is a radical kind of love.

Think of what it could do if we all started practising love, compassion, and tolerance towards each other, especially towards those who are different from us.

The Great Reset happens in your heart, mind, and spirit. Open yourself to this awakening through quiet contemplation, prayer, and meditation.

Have a great weekend and please remember to be generous! 😄

As always, thanks for reading. 🙏

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Frans Nel
Frans Nel

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